[NetMECCG v1.4 Deck] [starting] Beorn Beregond Gimli Cram Annalena Elven Cloak [sideboard] [anti-FW] [characters] Faramir Gandalf Gloin Glorfindel II Haldir Kili Radagast Radagast [resources] A Friend or Three A Friend or Three Beornings Block Block Book of Mazarbul Concealment Concealment Dark Quarrels Dark Quarrels Dark Quarrels Fair Travels in Wilderness Fair Travels in Wilderness Fair Travels in Wilderness Fellowship Fellowship Fellowship Glamdring Great-shield of Rohan Iron Hill Dwarves Muster Muster Orcrist Quickbeam Rangers of Ithilien Secret Passage Sword of Gondolin The Great Eagles Vanishment Vanishment [hazards] Abductor Abductor Call of Home Call of Home Cave-drake Cave-drake Cave-drake Fell Winter Fell Winter Giant Giant Giant Spiders Giant Spiders Greed Lure of Nature Lure of Nature Lure of Nature Lure of the Senses Lure of the Senses Muster Disperses Muster Disperses Old Man Willow Olog-hai (Trolls) River River River Slayer Slayer Twilight Weariness of the Heart [sites]